Dear Precious readers and friends,
“Don’t waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham ( false) they are. It’s a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ. Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!” Ephesians 5:13-16 (The Message)
Life is full of opportunities and whatever you do now as a young person is contributing to shaping your future. This is the time for you to learn to be conscious of the kind of activities you engage in and the people you engage with on a daily basis. And let me just mention, this is not to make you feel as if you are not supposed to enjoy your life as a young person. By all means, do have fun!
At the same time though you need to be careful not to waste your time and energy on useless adventures especially those that you are lured into by friends or by your own curiosity or rebellion to get back at your parents; like taking alcohol, hanging out with suspicious people, taking drugs, stealing with friends for fun or engaging in useless fights and the likes of these.
Often we engage in some of these activities or get involved with the wrong people for the fun of it or out of peer pressure to prove ourselves or to have a sense of belonging. Yet, these things or people have no relevance in our lives and rather influence us negatively.
Some of these people reject and abuse us, yet still, we are obsessed with hanging out with them and sometimes afraid of them so much that we hang on to their every word as though our life depends on them.
Sooner or later, we become engrossed with the roller coaster so much that wrongness looks like good. We begin to do things on impulse because everybody is doing it in school or in the neighbourhood or it is the trend online. We follow blindly, initiating ourselves into low lifestyles, all in the name of following the trend of the day.
Ask yourself, why do things seem so difficult and why do people ignore you or why are you not getting things right and it looks as if your life is spinning out of control?
“Jesus replied, "Your mistake is that you don't know the Scriptures, and you don't know the power of God.” Matthew 22:29 (NLT)
Now here is your opportunity to do away with your mistakes; those dead stuff: unprofitable relationships, friendships and associations; those bad habits, attitudes and behaviours that you try so hard to hide but they come to light anyway. Before these dead stuff become a real embarrassment and cause any further damage to your beautiful soul, here’s my recommendation:
- Sit up and ask yourself these questions below with a reflective mind, focus on your person and lifestyle.
- Truthfully answer them for yourself.
The greatest deception in this world is self-deception and you don't want to get caught up in its rottenness. Be the leader that you were created to be and embark on this self-assessment.
a) "Is this the kind of person I need to be?"
b) "Are the people I hang out with right for me?"
c) "Do I really want to be like them?"
d) "What am I gaining out of my relationship, friendship or association with these people?"
e) "How is this relationship, friendship, group affecting my studies, attitude, behaviour, character, my choices and decisions?"
You see, these are desperate times! You will become like those you assemble with. It might not seem so now because everything looks normal around you but don't be deceived -the world is changing every day and there is more hostility around us than before. You infrequently hear good news being broadcast.
Howbeit, this earth is not for the devil nor is it hell. This earth was given to mankind; to you and I to live in it and have dominion over it! It is no human being's idea that we find ourselves here. It is God's idea.
So you can take control of your life by taking it out of neutral. Start with this careful examination in application to every area of your life to determine what you need right now in your life; identify the unprofitable relationships, friendships, and groups you have attached yourself to and do away with them.
Life is like an hourglass. Time keeps ticking. It's your choice how life turns out for you. Don't waste your time on unprofitable things, wake up from your sleep and Christ will show you the light.
Make the most of every moment of your life. Don't keep your head in the sand like an ostrich and allow life happen to you. A wrong turn today can cost you a lifetime. Every day you wake up is an opportunity to improve your life.
Remember also that every step is contributing to shaping your future.
Strategic change gives way to maturity.
Success for me is an ability to accommodate change and grow in wisdom and understanding in the process.
Fulfilment in life is dependent on your capacity to switch at the right time, make decisions and stick by them no matter what, revise and adjust your decisions to suit as you go along.
You don't have to find yourself in a corner before you take stock of your life.
You have options and I invite you to come away from the game of "I’m stuck" because I found out it is not difficult to be a young person if Christ is your light. Let Christ be your light.
Look out for the launching of our community 'TERRITORY'.
Do share the article with your friends and see you soon...
Cheers to getting your life back on track and in divine alignment.
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