Sunday, 31 July 2016


    Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family
Proverbs 18:24( The Message).

ALOHA! My precious readers and friends.

I am sure you are already enjoying your summer holidays and congratulations on a job well done doing your best in the  recent past academic year.  Time to rest, right?  You deserve it. 

While it is all bright and sunny, I just thought I should share this with you, about the friend that sticks closer like family.  Allow me to float that as a balloon and we will come back to it, "the friend that sticks closer like family."

You see, we live in a world where you cannot afford to be blinded to truth.  There are a lot of true stuff that later cancels out because it was true for a moment or within a particular period of time.  Here is the thing, to be successful and fulfilled in life you don't need only information; you need a revealing knowledge.  
Revealing knowledge that could help you put a structure to your life; revealing knowledge that is actionable throughout your life. Decisions that you take and the choices you make, what you do or don't do, including the kind of people you allow into your life is all based on information you have.  And it takes one who knows you and understands you to point you in the right direction for you to know and understand what information you should hold on to and who you should allow to stick around you.

With the challenges that the world we live in faces which affects us, we need more than positive thinking to live transformative and highly productive lives. Wouldn't you agree? Alright even if your answer is a "maybe",  I want to quickly run this by you so that while you are enjoying your holidays you would look into this and find out things for yourself. 

What you don't want after your holidays is to have regrets about some dumb stuff you did or someone lured you to do or you chose to experiment with.

It's time to go back and pick up our balloon about  'the friend that sticks closer like family.' 

I cannot hold back any longer introducing you to Jesus the One who forever lives and has been waiting for you to get this revealing knowledge today for you to reconnect with him. 

For some of you it might be that you have never heard of Jesus, or you have heard about him but don't know Him yet, or that you have known Him but for one reason or the other you have sidelined Him or that you have had an experience which left you feeling disappointed in God or that you have been caught up in all the academic activities and have lost sight of Jesus' existence or that you have simply lost your mojo for life.  Well, all that would not matter in a moment. Today, Jesus says:

“Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honour at the side of my Father. That’s my gift to the conquerors! Revelations 3:20-21(The Message)

Friend, I believe you want to be a conqueror and here is the revealing knowledge to help you get there. Jesus wants to be your friend.  He wants to hang out with you this holidays. Would you have Jesus as your friend?  All Jesus asks is for you to take this calculated risky step to RECONNECT  and take  the gift of becoming a conqueror with Him.  Jesus is the friend that sticks closer like family.  I invite you to reconnect with Jesus for a guided focus this holidays.   

If you may, pray this prayer with me sincerely..."Lord Jesus I want to be your friend and I need the gift of becoming a conqueror this holidays. I come to you just as I am and believe  that you have my back this holidays and will help me to do the right things throughout the holidays by avoiding mistakes and unnecessary associations.  I thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer and answering me in Your name. Amen."

This is what to do if you sincerely prayed this prayer. Wake up every morning and talk to Jesus like you would talk to your friend and listen in your heart for what He would direct you for the day.
Pay attention to the voice of the personal Helper Jesus is going to send your way whispering in your heart and in your mind.  He could also use your parent or sibling or someone you don't know, a book or even a poster; as a channel throughout the day to guide you to avoid mistakes. There is always a calmness about whatever instruction you receive from the personal Helper.  So look out, be expectant for your guide and follow the lead for a blessed day.  Go to bed everyday with gratitude in your heart about how the Helper has been with you throughout the day and  offer a prayer of thanksgiving and sleep peacefully knowing that Jesus got you.

Share this article with your friends and family and you all enjoy  your holidays.   Have a wonderful time.

Watch out for our new community 'Territory,' to be launched soon.

To reconnecting with the friend like no other, cheers!


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