Monday, 9 January 2017

Happy New Year!!

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Greetings to you all my friends and precious readers.

The New Year is here and I intend to achieve more this year with the intention to improve myself and to reach out to others as  the journey of the new year unfolds. 

India's famous political leader Ghandi, went on a hunger strike; paying the price for change beneficial, not only to himself but to his family, community, institutions and the rights of  his people forever  and he said this, 

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Ghandi

 In other words what he was saying was; what you are praying for to happen-'wish for' get up and initiate that change. His actions were in direct correlation to his passion and what he believed. His courage acknowledged by the world at large today. Such is the example of unwavering faith in one's vision.  To wish for something is saying my highest prayer is for this thing to happen.

What are you wishing for to happen for you this year?

This year I have decided not to live for my passion but to die for my passion because it is the reason why I exist in the first place. And it is the Creator's heart cry too that children will not be stopped from connecting to source for clarifications because that is where the authority of their power is.  

 "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. (Luke 18:16 NLT)

I just want you to know and understand that who you are is the Image and likeness of your Creator. Which makes you successful already if you choose to see it that way. That is irrespective of whether you want a relationship with God or not. Knowing this truth be reminded to go out there with the mind set of a lion to conquer anything that comes your way. The strength and sharpness of the sight of an eagle to reach for higher heights in whatever it is that you will be doing: whether at home, school, in the community, at your workplace or business; be the best of you.  Exercise your intelligence in a way that benefits you and all around you. Invest in yourself and lastly be ready to serve at all times and live in sober obedience to the authority over your life.  And while you are at that don't forget to pick up your visa for the marvellous Kingdom from which you were once a citizen, if you haven't done that already; accepting Jesus as your Saviour. Your passport has already been arranged all you need to access the Kingdom is your visa - Jesus; to get your rulership as a kingdom citizen back.  I think it is always  best to make a choice and a sound judgment of your choice with an awareness of the big picture. After all reconnecting to your source of existence is a choice and not an obligation... 

To a life of infinite bliss.


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