Tuesday, 25 July 2017


Hello There Young Minds,

Congratulations for making it through all those exams, assessments and project work. Phew! you made it through. Now it's time to take it easy relax and still forge ahead not fall back. I know, it sucks but yeah if you going to get ahead you need to plan and part of the planning includes what you are going to do to make you feel completely relaxed, be present with yourself and enjoy your holidays. My point, whip up a game plan for your holidays. For my friends in the States and the rest of the world who have been on holidays weeks ahead of the Britons, it's still not too late to come up with a game plan. In fact, for you right now, it is just right because you have spent some time lazing about ok and am sure you are almost about to have had enough of sleeping and waking up late and waiting around till the day is over and going on in that cycle. This is time that you can invest in learning something new of interest to you.
Expand your knowledge.

Decisions are important and you can bet you are on the right track when you have enough reliable information to work with. So what do you say?
People have had dreams for their lives that never saw the day of light. Why and how? Nurturing dreams can be difficult if you don’t have the necessary support to take your dream to the next level. Who is in your network and close to you, is very crucial at this stage of your life. Are they people who look beyond their circumstance like you do and yet understand exactly what it would take to change their present situation into what they dream of? Am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the kind of friends you keep will either draw you back or encourage you to go forward because they also have a need to see a certain level of productivity in their lives and are not willing to allow societal changes make decisions concerning their destiny. So they start preparing to launch into their destination by building a solid bridge to cross over. Are you waiting for the destination you dream of to be handed to you or you are going to position yourself to take it? Well this is the time to go to work.
Visit the paragon school and take advantage of the Dream program and solidify your foundation of cultivating principles to nurture your dreams.  Alternatively, you can join the Brand Me Summer workshop. Let those who want to play, play, but as for you make use of your time.
Happy Summer holidays.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Dream Come True

Hello to you friends and precious readers,
I have been dreaming of this day and here it is! A lovely day and an honour to meet all you precious young minds. If there is one thing to be treasured, it is for some of you teenagers-young people these first stages and for those of you who have just finished your ordinary level education and above-young adults, the advance stage of the structural years of your life. I say structural because this is the time you begin to put some real work into developing every area of your life. I know it's also the time that we get most of our break or make it moments and that is why I am getting in touch to help you to slide or glide smoothly as you grow.
Life is worth living when you take the hum-drum out of it and maintain clarity of what you are doing with your life. I’m sure you have heard the saying: “there is no pain without gain.” But some pains are useless and avoidable. That is why we are here to be your additional pair of eyes and ears to help you get where you are going soundly with no intimidation nor being victimised by circumstances— enjoying life as a young mind.  

Oh and I just thought I mention, greatness is already inside of you. In fact you are a great person and humanity is privileged you are born in this generation to contribute your gifts, talents and skill. Now it’s time to do you.

Happy meeting you. Speak soon