Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The Storm Pays.

Missing you guys and thinking about you.  Just thought to reach out.  I have been unwell, yet do  I  still believe God can do anything. Image result for storm images “The storm pays. And whatever you are going through or have gone through this year has value.”   Issues that show up in your life, are temporary and they come to test what you are made of and what is actually in your heart. It is the decisions that you make that determines which way the storm goes and ends.

I believe for you; I  believe in you; and I have faith for you that you are going to make it to the end of the year stronger than you started the year.  All you need to do is to respond with a decision  to move from your level of thinking into another dimension of thinking where the heart of God comes to replace your fleshly  heart with miracles already sitting in it and embrace the “everything is possible by my God” attitude. Begin to walk in the “my God is able” mindset and let your language be like Mary the mother of Jesus who in sober obedience received a word from God and spoke in agreement to the word “let it be done unto me according to your Word”.  Even if you don’t believe there is a God, I dare you to put your trying faith out on this one and just for this one time allow  GOD move in on you and effect a change in your life that you never can dream of.

We all get to that point where we need to reevaluateImage result for magnifying glass images our values, pursuits, priorities, and our perceptions towards life. Upon the basis of answering the question who and what is really the source of our life and the faith we have?  Is it the Lord Jesus Christ or something else? If it is something else and not Jesus, can you really put a finger on it and is that thing enough for you? As I write to you I feel unwell in my body right now, yet do I continue to pray for you–all young people–for God to do in your lives what no man can do. For I find in the Lord everything that I need and the life that I live, I live for Him; so I am content.  I earnestly pray for those of you who live in fear and are afraid that certain things that have happened in your family that brought about pain, and sorrow is lurking about and might jump on you. Listen, you have escaped every wile of the enemy because you have being born into a new bloodline where your DNA is changed from the natural into that of EL-Shaddai and El-Adonai.  God sent His Word that is effective, energising and alive to heal us of all our diseases and to rescue us from the gates of destruction.  So no evil will by any means touch you so long as you stay under the wings of God.  Reach out and touch the ability of Jesus the Christ... God is going to bring you through as you decide to rely on Him. For those of you who don’t know Christ and want Him to heal your life; it is still a decision you need to make to reach out and touch His ability.  Tell Him what’s on your mind and in your heart, and be ready to keep in step with Him because He is going to show up with a panacea that would stop every wrong influence in its track. But the thing is you must want a  real relationship with Jesus not a one night stand. You can’t romance God only when you need something and walk out on Him when you think you okay and be with another that satisfies your human desire in that moment in time. This is no electric slide dance in and out as you please. It is a way of life.  It is either you want it or you don’t.  Image result for spiritual maturity imagesThere is going to be that time when the demand will be placed on you to grow and you have to declare war on yourself to do away with your fleshly desires and appetites especially those ones that put you under and put on Christ; living holy as He is Holy.  You can come just as you are today but you cannot stay just as you are when you have made Him Master of your life. For it would show on you whose you are.  I dare say certain behaviours and attitudes just won't leave your life and you will never see the glory of God like you want to see it in your life until the Word has penetrated you deep enough. It is a journey of endurance and commitment choosing to follow Christ. Just so you know, it would cost you— following Jesus for real. Are you ready to pay the price?
Thinking about you. Praying for you.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Check your diet

Post election day America and many are those who are at a loss at what’s going on and sucking up fear, obsessed about the unknown and  some beguiling their souls, while others too are in utter distraught. News from around the world oozes impact of uncertainty cast upon the global village because people have their doubts either in the abilities of the president-elect to deliver on his slogan “Make America Great Again” or his temperament... Image result for voting thumb images
Nevertheless, to all my precious readers and friends who supported or were against the president-elect there is only one thing that holds true: the Creator of the universe still reigns in glory and either way God would use anything to bring about his purpose.  So let’s all have faith in whom we have believed rather than become caught up in the moment with any one human being and what he can and cannot do. We are admonished not to trust in the arm of flesh for it fails. The latter does not refer to the fact that any one person would fail. However, I believe what the word is referring to is what to expect of and from our fellow human beings because none can satisfy apart from Jesus.  
I am finding out everyday of my life that except the Lord is pleased with my life, nothing else matters and that is most important to me right now; to be really saved than anything else because I know we are about to meet a soon and coming King.  

It says in 1 Peter 3:11: “Let him turn away from wickedness and shun it, and let him do right. Let him search for peace (harmony; undisturbed from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts) and seek it eagerly. [Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, go after them!]”. This speaks to how we ought to behave in these times; pursue and go after peace
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. Agitating passions seem to be the highlight of this scripture for me and the Strong’s Concordance gave the meaning  of “agitating” as “to be drawn in opposite directions; divided into parts; to go to pieces, to be  pulled apart in different directions, like the force exerted by sinful anxiety, extreme emotional disturbance, state of stirring something vigorously.
“Agitating” is also synonymous to disturbance, turbulence, turmoil, unrest, upheaval, and commotion. The Greek translates passion as “to suffer.” Further explanation in Wikipedia describes passion as strong and barely controllable emotion or strong intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something or somebody.
The latter is said to have the ability to disallow you from exercising your personal freedom as it becomes deeply seated and makes the soul unable to resist people or things being done to you.
It is about guarding your mind and heart from things that can trip you up.
Jesus said my peace I leave with you, not that which the world giveth yet often do we find ourselves running after stuff that hold our peace prisoner. Turbulence in the soul is created when you are being pulled in different directions. So if you realise you are unsettled in your mind and heart, check what you are feeding your mind and sucking up in your heart.

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Of the times that we live in, you must understand that Bible prophecies are unfolding right before our very eyes and every single one of us must hold on tight to whom you have believed otherwise you can easily miss God.
Be careful young person, what you feeding your soul; what you watch, listen to, read and who you are listening to and associate with and are involved in.  Gain this power of understanding to refuse things that agitate you and stop defiling your mind and heart to pursue the peace of God.  If you have given your life to Christ have one goal in mind: to live in harmony with the word of God. If you are yet to make that commitment to choose Jesus, He is waiting on you for your decision to secure your peace, don’t trivialise the opportunity while the door is still open.  For those who haven’t yet thought about what to do, I recommend Jesus to you  as a choice to free yourself of any form of agitation.  Need I remind you there is no middle ground; you either get on team Jesus and serve God wholly or go after the world and serve there. No athlete plays for two teams at any one-time. In the same way God does not do part-time relationships. So, the earlier you decide which side you are on, the better it would be for you. Needing a model to line up with as you navigate this unfamiliar curve? Then I present to you, Jesus.

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It is time to come out from among them and to be separated unto the Lord for good.  Because you are here today reading this you will not be lost because nothing is worth trading your soul for. Don’t allow the devil to fool you. You might not get the chance to get out of it before Jesus shows up and you are caught up in a mess and it's too late.
