Monday, 5 September 2016

Smile Already.

Aloha Precious readers and friends,
Image result for baby smile imagesI have been waiting to show you guys this image for almost a month now and here we are ...Smile already... it's go time.  An opportunity yet again to become what we have been waiting for; your new stage in life.  Say it like you believe it with enthusiasm “it’s go time” ....and guess what? I have been looking forward to this time too and I’m ready to run with my vision and put my action plan into full effect.  How you begin and end a long distance race has to do with the discipline you have.

“Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honour, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany (tedious repetitive motions) of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!” (Hebrews 12: 1-3 The Message)

Earlier today I had a movie marathon watching two movies “Creed” and “Million Dollar Arm” totalling almost four hours of “Me time”.  It’s one of the things I do from time to time to relax. After watching these movies, I said to myself, “it is not enough to be passionate about something if you are not ready to fight for it.  You were born to make a difference not just to live.” To make a difference you need to understand that there are some things that you must pray about; like to think straight at all times; that your footsteps would be ordered by God so you will be at the right place at the right time; and other things that you need to decide to put a stop to.    I am talking about losing the wrong habits of moaning, throwing tantrums, murmuring, slacking behind, lazing about, playing video games, chatting unnecessarily on the phone, watching television when you have homework, assignments, project works, revisions, research and deadlines to meet. I mean behaviours and attitudes that trip you over.  Believe in the natural abilities God has blessed you with and use it to your own progress.  

Image result for gift imagesPractically, what we are talking about is better expressed here: “A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” (Proverbs 18:16 AMP) 

I wonder why the scripture did not say your education makes room for you because your education is just a frame within which your gift, talent is shaped and prepared to be showcased.  It is by focusing on becoming what your gift is that you will be successful in your education. So let me ask you what is or are your talents? If you find what your talent is, it will hold your gaze to make the grades that would help you to be able to take the right subjects that would also lead to you pursuing a higher education in your talent field.  It will be the fuel in your vehicle when you are tempted to slack behind and give up on yourself.

Only your education cannot make you successful.  That is a wrong idea to live with, unfortunately.  It is the identification of your gift and developing it and passionately engaging in it that gives you success and fulfilment in life.  That is the only guarantee to eliminate frustration and unnecessary stress from your academic life.  The only thing I am not and have never been tired of doing is writing. Ask me why?

I used to listen to people who said writing would never make me any money and I can’t make writing my career and that left me in the woods for a long time not pursuing what I was born to do but rather fighting it.  In other words, I was against myself and that is the worst place for anybody to be; self-sabotaging.  However, when I stopped listening to those people because they don’t know what my vision is and have never been where I was going and began to look for mentors who are at where I am trying to get to, my whole perception of writing which is my gift changed.  The thing is, your gift is a commodity and in it is your assignment too because your gift is designed to serve specific people and you need to be aware and prepared to realise that.

As a high school or college student work hard in your subjects so you can choose the subject that would help you start shaping your gift especially.  If you are a young adult planning your career path, follow your talent path and don’t be pressured to pursue career paths just for the money.  I’m sorry, money is not everything in this life.  Besides if you sharpen your skill well enough it should make you financially stable as you go along and as you go deeper, I believe the Lord will continue to blow winds of inspiration into your mind so that you take your career forward.  
The world has a place for you to accommodate your gift. Planning your career is critical to your fulfilment at the workplace, don't do what people say will make you a lot of money. Do what you were born to do, because that is where you will make your money. No matter how big the world is, there's a place for you in it when you discover and manifest your gift.

The Wright brothers of Dayton, Ohio, believed in their dream and today we have different types of aircraft, aeroplanes and helicopters etc. after their dream. Did people think it was an impossible venture then? I think they did but I also think the Wright brothers were driven by their dream and  held on to their gift until its fruition. 

I believe it's a good year ahead of you. Make up your mind that you are not going to be distracted by anyone or anybody; that you are not going to quit on yourself; that you are going to avoid unproductive associations and things that do not bring honour to God which also bring shame to you; that you are going to raise your standard to the standard that God has set for you which is doable by His Spirit; and that you are going to study the Word of God and apply it to your life—in the sense that you will not take your eyes off the race ahead of you and that you are going to run your race to finish strong this last quarter of the year in whatever it is you are doing—no matter what it takes.  When you see yourself losing your mojo, you are going to look to Jesus the author and finisher of your life for strength, seeing He never gave up on His assignment when He walked the surface of this earth.  With that reference in focus you will be energised to go for it.

To all you champs out there, you rock, smile already, it's go time friends.