Saturday, 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas to  all of you my precious readers and friends.

I know its been a while since I last got in touch.  I was going through some transitioning period with my health and I have to admit it was an up and down moments for me.  In the end I made it through and here we are.  I am blessed to be here today and believe that we have all made it through all that we had to go through this year till now for a purpose.  A sure indication that it is not over for us yet.  In fact, we are just beginning to ride the storms to success, no matter what happens on our way up.

I can't thank you all enough for being there for me. Visiting the page, reading and keeping me inspired to do more.  I have said it before and would repeat it again you all are my heroes and heroines.  In that I know you are all braving the storm as they come and pushing forward with everything that is necessary for you to do to make an impact wherever you are and I am privileged to be a part of this awesome life unfolding for you.  No matter how small your contribution to humanity may seem.  I want you to know that you brightening the corner where you are is lifting another up.

Destiny as you see it, is actually connected.  Am saying we are connected to each other one way or the other.  And at the point where you need to move on to another stage in your life, there is always the possibility that you moving or not moving ahead is and would affect someone else's move.  It's just that we don't know exactly who we are affecting.  Sometimes we do know because the people we affect are in close proximity to us.  Having said that, often we don't know and only time will tell the people we influenced with our lives or failed to because we were afraid or lost touch of what we really believe in and so couldn't do what we were suppose to do at a certain point in time.

It's Christmas!  However, Christmas celebration is just that day.  So don't lose your mojo while you are in the holiday mood.  Put pen to paper and begin to plan for next year what it is that you will be doing.  Don't wait for the first of January to come and find you without a plan.  Get in there and do some reality checks of all your achievements in 2016 and identify where you can improve and start making some notes.  Do the same with the areas where you missed the mark and see how you can alter your strategy for a better result.  Like I always say there is a solution for everything.  If you look for it and you are ready it would gravitate towards you.  There is a saying which says "if the student is ready the teacher would show up" and I must say it has proven to be a true saying for me.  Anytime I decide on something I want to do, every turn I make points me in the direction of how to get my decision done.  It is as if someone is working it out for me and providing me with the answers until I finally have what am looking for in my hands.

So, enjoy your Christmas and may the Christ of this celebration actually come upon you and be revealed to you in a way that you have never experienced before.  For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Merry! Merry! Christmas to you all. Lots of love from me to you and all your families.


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The Storm Pays.

Missing you guys and thinking about you.  Just thought to reach out.  I have been unwell, yet do  I  still believe God can do anything. Image result for storm images “The storm pays. And whatever you are going through or have gone through this year has value.”   Issues that show up in your life, are temporary and they come to test what you are made of and what is actually in your heart. It is the decisions that you make that determines which way the storm goes and ends.

I believe for you; I  believe in you; and I have faith for you that you are going to make it to the end of the year stronger than you started the year.  All you need to do is to respond with a decision  to move from your level of thinking into another dimension of thinking where the heart of God comes to replace your fleshly  heart with miracles already sitting in it and embrace the “everything is possible by my God” attitude. Begin to walk in the “my God is able” mindset and let your language be like Mary the mother of Jesus who in sober obedience received a word from God and spoke in agreement to the word “let it be done unto me according to your Word”.  Even if you don’t believe there is a God, I dare you to put your trying faith out on this one and just for this one time allow  GOD move in on you and effect a change in your life that you never can dream of.

We all get to that point where we need to reevaluateImage result for magnifying glass images our values, pursuits, priorities, and our perceptions towards life. Upon the basis of answering the question who and what is really the source of our life and the faith we have?  Is it the Lord Jesus Christ or something else? If it is something else and not Jesus, can you really put a finger on it and is that thing enough for you? As I write to you I feel unwell in my body right now, yet do I continue to pray for you–all young people–for God to do in your lives what no man can do. For I find in the Lord everything that I need and the life that I live, I live for Him; so I am content.  I earnestly pray for those of you who live in fear and are afraid that certain things that have happened in your family that brought about pain, and sorrow is lurking about and might jump on you. Listen, you have escaped every wile of the enemy because you have being born into a new bloodline where your DNA is changed from the natural into that of EL-Shaddai and El-Adonai.  God sent His Word that is effective, energising and alive to heal us of all our diseases and to rescue us from the gates of destruction.  So no evil will by any means touch you so long as you stay under the wings of God.  Reach out and touch the ability of Jesus the Christ... God is going to bring you through as you decide to rely on Him. For those of you who don’t know Christ and want Him to heal your life; it is still a decision you need to make to reach out and touch His ability.  Tell Him what’s on your mind and in your heart, and be ready to keep in step with Him because He is going to show up with a panacea that would stop every wrong influence in its track. But the thing is you must want a  real relationship with Jesus not a one night stand. You can’t romance God only when you need something and walk out on Him when you think you okay and be with another that satisfies your human desire in that moment in time. This is no electric slide dance in and out as you please. It is a way of life.  It is either you want it or you don’t.  Image result for spiritual maturity imagesThere is going to be that time when the demand will be placed on you to grow and you have to declare war on yourself to do away with your fleshly desires and appetites especially those ones that put you under and put on Christ; living holy as He is Holy.  You can come just as you are today but you cannot stay just as you are when you have made Him Master of your life. For it would show on you whose you are.  I dare say certain behaviours and attitudes just won't leave your life and you will never see the glory of God like you want to see it in your life until the Word has penetrated you deep enough. It is a journey of endurance and commitment choosing to follow Christ. Just so you know, it would cost you— following Jesus for real. Are you ready to pay the price?
Thinking about you. Praying for you.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Check your diet

Post election day America and many are those who are at a loss at what’s going on and sucking up fear, obsessed about the unknown and  some beguiling their souls, while others too are in utter distraught. News from around the world oozes impact of uncertainty cast upon the global village because people have their doubts either in the abilities of the president-elect to deliver on his slogan “Make America Great Again” or his temperament... Image result for voting thumb images
Nevertheless, to all my precious readers and friends who supported or were against the president-elect there is only one thing that holds true: the Creator of the universe still reigns in glory and either way God would use anything to bring about his purpose.  So let’s all have faith in whom we have believed rather than become caught up in the moment with any one human being and what he can and cannot do. We are admonished not to trust in the arm of flesh for it fails. The latter does not refer to the fact that any one person would fail. However, I believe what the word is referring to is what to expect of and from our fellow human beings because none can satisfy apart from Jesus.  
I am finding out everyday of my life that except the Lord is pleased with my life, nothing else matters and that is most important to me right now; to be really saved than anything else because I know we are about to meet a soon and coming King.  

It says in 1 Peter 3:11: “Let him turn away from wickedness and shun it, and let him do right. Let him search for peace (harmony; undisturbed from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts) and seek it eagerly. [Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, go after them!]”. This speaks to how we ought to behave in these times; pursue and go after peace
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. Agitating passions seem to be the highlight of this scripture for me and the Strong’s Concordance gave the meaning  of “agitating” as “to be drawn in opposite directions; divided into parts; to go to pieces, to be  pulled apart in different directions, like the force exerted by sinful anxiety, extreme emotional disturbance, state of stirring something vigorously.
“Agitating” is also synonymous to disturbance, turbulence, turmoil, unrest, upheaval, and commotion. The Greek translates passion as “to suffer.” Further explanation in Wikipedia describes passion as strong and barely controllable emotion or strong intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something or somebody.
The latter is said to have the ability to disallow you from exercising your personal freedom as it becomes deeply seated and makes the soul unable to resist people or things being done to you.
It is about guarding your mind and heart from things that can trip you up.
Jesus said my peace I leave with you, not that which the world giveth yet often do we find ourselves running after stuff that hold our peace prisoner. Turbulence in the soul is created when you are being pulled in different directions. So if you realise you are unsettled in your mind and heart, check what you are feeding your mind and sucking up in your heart.

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Of the times that we live in, you must understand that Bible prophecies are unfolding right before our very eyes and every single one of us must hold on tight to whom you have believed otherwise you can easily miss God.
Be careful young person, what you feeding your soul; what you watch, listen to, read and who you are listening to and associate with and are involved in.  Gain this power of understanding to refuse things that agitate you and stop defiling your mind and heart to pursue the peace of God.  If you have given your life to Christ have one goal in mind: to live in harmony with the word of God. If you are yet to make that commitment to choose Jesus, He is waiting on you for your decision to secure your peace, don’t trivialise the opportunity while the door is still open.  For those who haven’t yet thought about what to do, I recommend Jesus to you  as a choice to free yourself of any form of agitation.  Need I remind you there is no middle ground; you either get on team Jesus and serve God wholly or go after the world and serve there. No athlete plays for two teams at any one-time. In the same way God does not do part-time relationships. So, the earlier you decide which side you are on, the better it would be for you. Needing a model to line up with as you navigate this unfamiliar curve? Then I present to you, Jesus.

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It is time to come out from among them and to be separated unto the Lord for good.  Because you are here today reading this you will not be lost because nothing is worth trading your soul for. Don’t allow the devil to fool you. You might not get the chance to get out of it before Jesus shows up and you are caught up in a mess and it's too late.


Tuesday, 25 October 2016


Aloha precious friends and readers, 
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Your point of view informs your priority. The one who takes their studies seriously and goes on to start a successful business and leads a lifestyle that speaks volumes attesting to the character of the person and the one who does not take their own life seriously and so wastes time engaging in unproductive activities and associating with non progressive individuals who idle about both have one thing in common ‘perception’.  How you think is how you see things and in effect how you prioritise and use the two most important commodities: your ‘time’ and ‘your energy’. Therefore, it is important to weigh in on issues before you form your perspective on them that you can informatively choose where you are going with your life. One of the challenges we all face in life is to know what to do with our lives.  Sometimes you find yourself doing one thing and wondering to yourself what else is there to be done or whether you are doing the right thing in that moment in time. During this time the one thing you cannot afford to do is to confuse your opinions and the way you see things with truth. Need I remind you that truth does not alter no matter what  situation it is presented in or how long it takes for the truth to be discovered and accepted.
“And you will know the truth [regarding salvation], and the truth will set you free [from the penalty of sin].” (John 8:32)
If you wondering what sin is; it is anything that does not hold true in line with the word of God.  So what truth are we referring to here?  We are talking about the truth that sets you free from contradictory mindsets and  lifestyles. The times that we live in is no longer about molly cuddling where truth must be wrapped in candy wrappers before it is served. Those who are looking desperately and diligently for rest for their souls can pick up truth, easily digest it and actually live it. Whereas those who are not interested in truth need to be convinced and perhaps bribed to take in parts of truth which they find hard to digest let alone to live it.

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One thing I do know for sure is this: “So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.” (John 8:36 AMP) The Son himself is the word of God. He is the truth that when you find, will shape your perception and affect your perspective.
Dear friend, what is shaping your perception? And whatever it is that is shaping your perception, is it the truth? I encourage you to go into yourself and ask yourself, “what do I prefer as a person, excellence or mediocrity and if it is excellence what kind, the one the world applauds or the one God requires of us that comes by putting on Christ who clothes us in His righteousness so that the life that we live is no longer us who lives but Christ that lives in us and is working through us to perfect His perfect plan in and for our lives. You can trust God even when you can't trace Him. You can follow Him even when you can't figure Him out. Why and How?  For the simple reason that whatever He says comes to pass. Whatever He says, is truth. When he looks at you even in your weakest state and calls you strong then that is what it is. Take a look at these accounts of Gideon and Jeremiah to capture what am trying to show you.
Gideon was going through some stuff then am sure, which cast some doubts about who he thought he was and what his life should have been, yet listen to the greeting."And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, and said unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.( Judges 6:12 AMP )  Jeremiah says here "Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, For I am [only] a young man. But, the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am [only] a young man,’( Jeremiah 1:6-7a AMP) this is the kind of truth you will come into when you begin to make God's perception yours.
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I urge you to go after the truth-Jesus, the soon and coming King in whom we find our salvation and shape your life after Him. For Himself is truth. He is The word that became flesh and lived amongst men.(John 1:14)  His return to earth is nearer than we ever thought and we cannot afford to be caught unawares living outside of Him.  What is worth more than your soul? And if you find yourself unable to understand this simple truth and really struggling to take it in  then perhaps it is that you are not ‘His’. In that case, you can decide to change that by meditating on His love and forgiveness and becoming His or just ignore everything said here.

Last but not the least, I have the pleasure to inform you about my new school on Go there and invest in your future as we prepare to end the year strong and stay ahead in the coming year.

To doing life in the excellency of Christ.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Aloha Precious readers and friends,
Image result for puzzles imagesRemember those days when you were growing up when puzzles used to be one of the many presents you got from your parents or family members?  If you didn’t like them then, I promise you, you would love them now.  Why?   Let’s take a trip down memory lane and see the different pieces and sizes in front of you, perhaps; Thomas the tanker, Lightning Mcqueen, Bob the Builder, Fifi the flowerpot, Fireman sam,  skippy the bush kangaroo if you as young as I am, clifford the red dog, Barney, Sesame street, Tweenies or whatever your favourite television programme was when you were little.  Start piecing the puzzle together with your eyes fixed on the image of the finished puzzle on the box.  What does it feel like when you pick up that piece that looks almost like the perfect fit and turns out not to be the one?  Often that is the time you take a closer look at the finished image of the puzzle with a determination to figure out what to do next as you capture in your mind the image of what you are looking for, isn’t that right?  

Well it figures “Thoughts are pictures of the mind that have  constructive and destructive possibilities and have power with emotions.They are deliberately created by you and can hold you prisoner in  a situation for too long.” Chris Oyakhilome Phd.

This is what happens with puzzles too.  Reality check-Life is like a giant puzzle you need to piece together.  I have two simple questions for you:  
(1)what do you see ahead of you in your life?  
(2) what are you thinking?  

Between the difficult situations or subjects that seem impossible to overcome or achieve the best grade yet is the bridge called faith that allows you to crossover  to possibilities and owning your moments.

Here is the principle by which this works.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.( Hebrews 11:1 KJV)  
The Amplified Version says “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].”

God knows before we started this school year a lot of preparation went into disciplining ourselves to be in the right frame of mind to enable us roll out our action plans yet you will be amazed to know I have had some challenges which if it had not been for the fact that I am convinced about what I am doing, it would have been likely for me to give up. I have found myself in the midst of several things demanding my attention and the only way I have remained resilient against these odds was a decision between what is urgent and important.   

I have had to challenge my own thoughts against these seemingly impossible situations. And I have struggled making the distinction between believing and having  faith and realised it's one thing to believe and one thing to have faith.  Thank God for the Holy Spirit-my present help in time of trouble.  The Greek  translation of the Holy Spirit is Parakletos which translates the helper that comes along.  He caught me in the middle of my struggle and helped me to understand impossibilities are like puzzle pieces. The harder it is to fix, the more your focus becomes sharpened to pick up details that would bring the pieces together to fit perfectly.
I understood for the first time— you believe to receive— once you understand that you have received what you are looking for to go to the next stage where you know you have in your possession what you are looking for, you act on it. That is Faith in action.  In other words, Faith does not try to receive something, it already has it and acts on it. Faith is prove of what you possess.  And we all come to this point in our lives where our expectations are not met or delayed and it seems there are some roadblocks and you are wondering to yourself whether to reroute or bulldoze your way through?

And you either think there are so many ways to get the job done or you get ready to run away from your challenges like an Olympic gold medallist, but hold it right there.  You don’t have to succumb to circumstances or deviate from course for substitutes that would only provide temporary relief just because you are facing some challenges today.  See it as training to toughen you up and shape your character as a leader. Shortcuts, my friend always turn out to have hefty prices attached to it. Take a careful look at our principle again.

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. (Hebrews 11:1 AMP)

It is about what you see.  Now isn’t the time to panic or be afraid.  I recommend you journey with David and see how he took Goliath down.  When Goliath took a step towards the young lad David, David charged towards him and took him down.  You think am making it up...No, no, no... see it for yourself, right here

“When the Philistine rose and came forward to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:48 AMP)
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What does that mean?  I found out the answer. You need to realise what you have.  You already have what it takes to accomplish your action plan and change things for the next year.  Set your priorities right, beginning with the urgent, followed by the important and move quickly. Get on with it.  It's interesting when the time is right for a season in your life how everything in the universe cheers you on.  A little afraid? don’t worry about it.  If God is for you what can be against you?  I know there is nothing that can stand in my way because of whose I am and Him who dwells in me.  Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.  So if what I don’t want to see shows up I reject it and turn my focus to what I want to see.  Friends, what do you see? If it is not what you want, change your mind and look for the right piece that perfectly fits that puzzle space.  If you have faith it would work. Know that you cannot fail.  Don’t let your thoughts hold you prisoner.  You are my heroes and heroines.

To courage.


Monday, 5 September 2016

Smile Already.

Aloha Precious readers and friends,
Image result for baby smile imagesI have been waiting to show you guys this image for almost a month now and here we are ...Smile already... it's go time.  An opportunity yet again to become what we have been waiting for; your new stage in life.  Say it like you believe it with enthusiasm “it’s go time” ....and guess what? I have been looking forward to this time too and I’m ready to run with my vision and put my action plan into full effect.  How you begin and end a long distance race has to do with the discipline you have.

“Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honour, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany (tedious repetitive motions) of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!” (Hebrews 12: 1-3 The Message)

Earlier today I had a movie marathon watching two movies “Creed” and “Million Dollar Arm” totalling almost four hours of “Me time”.  It’s one of the things I do from time to time to relax. After watching these movies, I said to myself, “it is not enough to be passionate about something if you are not ready to fight for it.  You were born to make a difference not just to live.” To make a difference you need to understand that there are some things that you must pray about; like to think straight at all times; that your footsteps would be ordered by God so you will be at the right place at the right time; and other things that you need to decide to put a stop to.    I am talking about losing the wrong habits of moaning, throwing tantrums, murmuring, slacking behind, lazing about, playing video games, chatting unnecessarily on the phone, watching television when you have homework, assignments, project works, revisions, research and deadlines to meet. I mean behaviours and attitudes that trip you over.  Believe in the natural abilities God has blessed you with and use it to your own progress.  

Image result for gift imagesPractically, what we are talking about is better expressed here: “A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” (Proverbs 18:16 AMP) 

I wonder why the scripture did not say your education makes room for you because your education is just a frame within which your gift, talent is shaped and prepared to be showcased.  It is by focusing on becoming what your gift is that you will be successful in your education. So let me ask you what is or are your talents? If you find what your talent is, it will hold your gaze to make the grades that would help you to be able to take the right subjects that would also lead to you pursuing a higher education in your talent field.  It will be the fuel in your vehicle when you are tempted to slack behind and give up on yourself.

Only your education cannot make you successful.  That is a wrong idea to live with, unfortunately.  It is the identification of your gift and developing it and passionately engaging in it that gives you success and fulfilment in life.  That is the only guarantee to eliminate frustration and unnecessary stress from your academic life.  The only thing I am not and have never been tired of doing is writing. Ask me why?

I used to listen to people who said writing would never make me any money and I can’t make writing my career and that left me in the woods for a long time not pursuing what I was born to do but rather fighting it.  In other words, I was against myself and that is the worst place for anybody to be; self-sabotaging.  However, when I stopped listening to those people because they don’t know what my vision is and have never been where I was going and began to look for mentors who are at where I am trying to get to, my whole perception of writing which is my gift changed.  The thing is, your gift is a commodity and in it is your assignment too because your gift is designed to serve specific people and you need to be aware and prepared to realise that.

As a high school or college student work hard in your subjects so you can choose the subject that would help you start shaping your gift especially.  If you are a young adult planning your career path, follow your talent path and don’t be pressured to pursue career paths just for the money.  I’m sorry, money is not everything in this life.  Besides if you sharpen your skill well enough it should make you financially stable as you go along and as you go deeper, I believe the Lord will continue to blow winds of inspiration into your mind so that you take your career forward.  
The world has a place for you to accommodate your gift. Planning your career is critical to your fulfilment at the workplace, don't do what people say will make you a lot of money. Do what you were born to do, because that is where you will make your money. No matter how big the world is, there's a place for you in it when you discover and manifest your gift.

The Wright brothers of Dayton, Ohio, believed in their dream and today we have different types of aircraft, aeroplanes and helicopters etc. after their dream. Did people think it was an impossible venture then? I think they did but I also think the Wright brothers were driven by their dream and  held on to their gift until its fruition. 

I believe it's a good year ahead of you. Make up your mind that you are not going to be distracted by anyone or anybody; that you are not going to quit on yourself; that you are going to avoid unproductive associations and things that do not bring honour to God which also bring shame to you; that you are going to raise your standard to the standard that God has set for you which is doable by His Spirit; and that you are going to study the Word of God and apply it to your life—in the sense that you will not take your eyes off the race ahead of you and that you are going to run your race to finish strong this last quarter of the year in whatever it is you are doing—no matter what it takes.  When you see yourself losing your mojo, you are going to look to Jesus the author and finisher of your life for strength, seeing He never gave up on His assignment when He walked the surface of this earth.  With that reference in focus you will be energised to go for it.

To all you champs out there, you rock, smile already, it's go time friends.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Get Ready!

Aloha precious readers and friends,

“Stay alert. This is hazardous work I’m assigning you. You’re going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don’t call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.” (Matthew 10:16 The Message)

We are nearing that time that the Lord is sending you out again into the world representing him and whilst you are there  a lot of changes, adjustments would be taking place in your life and you need to be ready to take on the task ahead of you, applying the wisdom of God and at the sametime live a stress free life.

Some of you are going off  to University, some of you going to the next year group in secondary or high school, some of you going off to college whichever category you fall into, you need to understand that no institution can make you into anything.  You are already whatever you are going to become in this world.  So going back to school and to your new level of achievement is another opportunity to sharpen your talents and skills.  

Education is part of the preparation period of development into your future.  God has placed a little part of Himself in you and He would call on you at the right time to represent Him in the field that He has planted you into- which means whatever you are studying to become or aspiring to become; doctor, lawyer, engineer, computer scientist, pastoral work, name it; God is going to demand the use of your skill someday.
So it is not playtime going back to school.  And for those of you who just graduated it is time now to exploit what you vested your time in developing and fine tuning.  Look for opportunities to put your fine skills to work if there is none, create one.  You will be surprised the ideas that the Lord will begin to upload in your mind when you decide to go to work. Going to work does not necessarily mean working for a corporation.  It simply means exchanging your knowledge for what it is worth.  Therefore, don’t limit yourself to waiting for another person, organisation to determine your worth, you can decide what you exchange your time and knowledge for.  You decide on an hourly basis what your time is worth and go for it.  Whether you decide to work for yourself or apply for a job, it is up to you.  What you don’t want to do is to fail to take a decision regarding what it is you want to do.  Everyday we wake up, we wake up to a world in motion with unlimited possibilities and you need to know what time it is for you.  

Tip of the day: Get yourself up through the excellency of Christ your model, His word your waymaker and  the Holy Spirit your enabler.  It's time for you to get ready to enforce new strategies into your life.

What you want to do is to start strong; soaring on higher heights and breaking your own record. Just like the eagle does after it has plucked out its old heavy wings and taken out the old claws that can’t hold its preys any longer and hitting its old blunt beak against a rock to break it, to make way for new sharper and a pointed one to grow in its place.  All this so it can rise, soaring to new greater  heights that it had never touched before.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
   They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
   they walk and don’t lag behind.” (Isaiah 40:31 The Message)

Start off taking some me moments talking to God and spend time listening to what He is telling you.  It is a sign of maturity if you can get alone and think to initiate change in your life.  The reason why people fear change is the lack of preparation.  Therefore preparedness for change makes change a lot easier to accommodate and successful. Come on guys, I have good news for you, this precious word places you already in the spot of victory and I suggest, okay, hold on, I recommend it become your new language from today. Speak it until it becomes part of you.

“ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”( Philippians 4:13 KJV)
Let’s break it down even further from The Message translation
“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” (Philippians 4:13)

So, get ready!  Condition your mind to let go off the laziness in the last season that was making you submit your homework late or going to school late all the time... Make up your mind no one is going to wake you up in the morning.  It is your responsibility to go to bed early and wake up early. Having said that, start getting yourself into a routine a habit of waking up, spending time with God and getting your daily wisdom and direction for the day in His Presence.  Listen up, going into the presence of God is not an option.  As I have found out it makes all the difference to my day. Well, you could choose to do it or not but I promise you when you meet with Jesus in the morning before your day starts the light bulb in your mind is on the alert for the rest of the day. The Holy Spirit will constantly remind you of what you are suppose to be doing and what you are not supposed to be doing.  

For those in or going to Uni, you will need this for when the temptation to ditch lectures comes, or do you think angels will be attending your lectures and doing your course work for you?  That certainly isn't what soaring high like an eagle means.  Neither does it mean play Xbox all day all night when you have to revise.  No angel nor the Holy Spirit will do what you are suppose to do, for you.  It’s an all hands on deck affair.  So you just can’t fold your arms and expect bubble gum to rain from the sky.  That ain’t happening.  God has shown you what the end result looks like.  You have strength available to you, you will not lag behind in whatever it is that you have to do in the season for the rest of the year, God has already made you a success.  

Now here is what I recommend you do:
Sit down quietly and think; imagine what a typical day in the last season looked like for you and write down all the things that drew you back and then one by one pick them out and write down a new strategy- a strategy  that would ensure you always stay on top of everything you are doing:- from spending time in the presence of God to doing your homework/studies /chores include some me moment to reward yourself [Caution: Don’t over reward yourself, whatever that means, you know.]    

Let’s get moving to take our positions for the next season.  