Tuesday, 24 June 2014


I have a secret.
What do you do with a secret when it is so good? I mean a secret that can create a new wave that would turn the light on in another's mind and make their jaw-drop! Literally, that is?   That is why I am eager to share this secret with you.  
Are you ready to be surprised? Here we go!
This week is world's family week. The good thing is, family week could be personalised.  So you could decide to name this week  or any week your family week.
I have come to realise that sometimes as families even though we love each other, things pop up from time to time to rock our boats which births indifference within the family; and this could go on and on destroying special bonds formed over the years. This is because as individuals we have different temperaments and process things differently. Having said that some family members can be as mean as rattlesnakes. It is as though they take a mean pill every day.  Even then, we are taught “God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we’re free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ’s. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love” 1 John 4:17-18
We are responsible for ourselves and how situations end up and can choose to extend a helping hand every now and again and not be afraid of the outcome of such relationships we initiate because it is borne out of love.  So, don't wait till it is only a birthday or mother's day or whatever day the world has named.  Create your own celebration time and celebrate your siblings, parents, spouses, grandparents, children and in-laws.  Did you know that you are more blessed when you can allow yourself to be giving?
It also creates a pathway for you to heal from any past wounds and bruises.  I can testify to this truth because I have walked on this path and I tell you it has been like a tree that keeps on bearing fruits.
A whole week dedicated to celebrate families, that is something!  No matter what you think your family is like, I am going to give you just five reasons why I think  families are irreplaceable.
Five reasons why family is unique:
1. You never choose the family you are born into.
2. Your first lessons for life was on this training ground.
3. Your gifts were first showcased in the family unit.
4. You were taught how to stand up for yourself, fight for a good purpose,  endure and be a good team player right here in the family.
5. You came through this legal route to grace the earth  contribute to the capacity building of humanity and it was never a coincidence to be born into your family.
Now that we have a little bit of insight why family is unique, why don't we make up for lost time enhancing the relationship within our families: between husband and wife, brothers, sisters, in-laws, children; let us try to live peaceably with ourselves.  After all, we are here on earth for a while. I'm sure there are some amongst us who might have been in an awkward situation with their family and yes it wasn't quite what you expected and you have had some experiences that have left you scarred. Nevertheless, I still want to share this with you, your experience was necessary for your now.  I bet someone would be saying "you must be kidding me, how is that?"
Well, I think if you look closely, you will understand that your experience was a part of the package to help sculpt your character.  The point I am making is, you cannot allow your experiences to leave a bitter taste in your mouth and for those experiences to take over your life.  You have the power to become that sweet river that flows through the family reaching all places that might be dried up.

Let's be clear here, I am not endorsing whatever happened in the past as right.  All I am trying to address with you is for you to open a  new window to let in some fresh breeze into that area of your life.  You have the ability to control how far the relationship goes.  What you don't want to do is to hold on to old decaying problems to affect your life.
Choose to see and do things differently, the excellent way. Challenge yourself by leading the way to forgive and really let go of stuff and start afresh with an understanding of who you are and how you want to be remembered even within your family as a sweet spirited person. Correction in love always births something in you to overcome getting all wrapped up in issues when they happen. Be the change that you yearn to see.  Shall we?
As you go out to get those flowers, I love you cards, chocolates, picking that phone to make that surprise call or drive to that door, what you are doing is buying back your personal power. Do it for you if not for anything.  Release that knot in your soul. It is okay. May I bend over and whisper into your ears "You are a beautiful soul and special the way you are"!  
Now go out there and celebrate who you are.  It's world family week! Your family week. Show them how you do. That's right.  Need I say I am proud of you? Oh YES I AM.  I am off to send my jaw dropping messages too. Keep it real!

To a life of infinite bliss. Keep that smile sweet and bold. You are so worth it.